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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2022–2023) opintotietoja.
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Opintojakso, lukuvuosi 2022–2023

Identiteettien historia, 5–10 op

Tampereen yliopisto

Identiteettien historia (Osallistuminen opetukseen), suomi

Osallistuminen opetukseen
5–10 op
Yleinen asteikko, 0-5
Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta 100 %

Ohjelmassa oleva opetus


Modernit poliittiset henkilökultit, Luento-opetus

Luento-opetus (suomi)
31.8.2022 – 16.10.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 1 (1.8.2022–23.10.2022)

Identiteettien historia, Sateenkaarihistorian blogipaja

Luento-opetus (suomi)
21.10.2022 – 30.11.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 1 (1.8.2022–23.10.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 2 (24.10.2022–31.12.2022)

Kaupungin kerrokset - Rooma antiikista moderniin, Luento-opetus

Luento-opetus (suomi)
27.10.2022 – 8.12.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 2 (24.10.2022–31.12.2022)

Etnisyys ja stereotypiat Rooman keisariajan kulttuurissa, Luento-opetus

Luento-opetus (suomi)
13.1.2023 – 24.2.2023
Aktiivinen periodissa 3 (1.1.2023–5.3.2023)

Lived religion and disability from the late Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution, Luento-opetus

Luento-opetus (englanti)
9.3.2023 – 31.5.2023
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (6.3.2023–31.5.2023)
A course taught in English about lived religion and disability ca. 1400s-1800s

Lived religion, which means religion as a social process and a space for interaction, also defined and shaped the experiences of physical and mental difference. The course will focus on the interplay of lived religion and disability: how faith helped people make sense of difference. In addition to lectures, during the course we will also analyse evidence from the 15th to the 19th century. The students will thus get acquainted with the connections between disability and lived religion and how the two were shaped by each other. The course will consist of contact teaching, two short written assignments, and either a presentation or a course scrapbook. This course is taught by a team of international experts from different countries.

Note: Students are required to have passed a min. of 15 ECTS in Basic Studies in History. Note: The course is taught in English.

Learning outcomes: Student will be familiar with some of the most important connections between disability and lived religion in history. The students will have an understanding on the historic interpretations about the role of religion in shaping perceptions and experiences of bodily and mental difference in the past. They will also acquire skills on how to analyse historical sources related to the theme of the course. In order to pass the course, students shall be able to analyse and discuss, orally and in writing, how religion interplayed with the understandings and responses to disability and how religion influenced people living with disabilities in past European societies.


